Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Tiny Resolution List

Around this time of year, it seems that everyone is posting on FB or their blogs about what their resolutions are for the upcoming year.  As a busy SLP and new wife, I just don't see making huge, unrealistic resolutions as possible or practical this year.  Sometimes it's the smallest things that can make the biggest difference. So, this coming year, 2016 - it's about the little things.

I resolve to:

Not pout for quite as long after I ruin dinner

Remember to LOOK UP - and not down at my phone quite so often.

Lastly, when in doubt, follow these rules written on my pillow.

How about all of you? Any resolutions/non-resolutions that you plan on making?  Click on this link to check out how other SLPs are planning on making their lives better and easier in the year 2016!

Hope you all have a wonderful and happy new year!



  1. Awww...ruining dinner is no big thing! Just pick up that phone & order take out! :)
    Love the "looking up" part! :)

    1. Great advice, Mary! That picture up there was supposed to be mashed potatoes!!

  2. I've ruined enough dinners that I don't have to cook anymore! It may be in your benefit:). Thanks for linking up!!

  3. Love your outlook! And the reminder of looking up instead of looking down is great!
    All Y’all Need

    1. Thanks Laura!! It's hard to put that phone down sometimes!

  4. I love the idea of little things! The big ones are too overwhelming, anyway!

  5. This is a great post! I am not a resolution kind of girl either and I love your plans for this year. I also need that pillow at my house so that I can throw it at offending family members who break the rules! Just kidding! :) Amy

    1. I think the pillow came from Kohls! It is really a great reminder haha

  6. Great post! I love the idea of looking up, both figuratively and literally!
